Contact us at: 501-335-2849 or
We worship online and in person on Sundays at 10am Alaska Time (11am Pacific). All are welcome! Click the link below to join online with Zoom, or go to our Facebook Page to watch past services or join live. Access the worship bulletin, readings insert, and announcements below.
Join us in person or online on Sunday mornings for worship, fellowship, Communion and laughter!
We are located on the intersection of Old Seward and Oceanview. Our address is 1612 Oceanview Drive, Anchorage, AK 99515. The handicap accessible entrance is located on the east side of the church, the doors closest to Old Seward.
Click the link below to join us in worship at 10am Alaska Time (11am Pacific) every Sunday if you can't come in person. Or visit our Facebook page to join live, or check out past services.
A few notes about preparing for worship if you are joining online:
Click here to join Zoom Worship:
Meeting ID: 134 384 306
Password: COSLCfam
If for some reason this link does not work, go to: and click "Join a Meeting" in the top middle-right of the website. Enter the Meeting ID: 134 384 306 and click "Join." Say yes to opening and then follow the prompts (such as to enter the case sensitive password: COSLCfam).
Every Sunday we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together.
We believe that wherever two or three are gathered, so there is Christ. And so we trust that as we gather both in person and virtually, so too does Christ gather with us.
Christ is truly present in the wine and in the bread and therefore Christ is present in us as well.
Everyone is welcome at communion at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church (COSLC) no matter your age, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientation, race, marital status, or religion. Communion is a meal from God, for you.
Copyright © 2023 Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved.
1612 Oceanview Drive
Anchorage, AK 99515